Escape to Vanuatu
Norfolk Island Group Tour

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Relaxaway Holidays & Norfolk Island Getaways are divisions of Relaxaway Travel Pty Ltd

We are a full service travel agency, specialising in the South Pacific and North America for over 22 years. We offer you the convenience of free call phone numbers to speak to real people and easy internet access allowing our clients to get the service only an agency that knows the South Pacific & North America as our home can provide The business is owned and operated by a team of qualified agents with years of experience in the aviation, travel and tourism industries. We are in direct contact with the people at the destinations and all our team travel extensively and regularly visit the destinations we make available.

Australia Free Phone   1800-257-122

International Phone   int+61-7-5408-4611

Australia Free-Fax   1300-737-955   or   int+61-7-5408-4619

  Operating Hours....

(For Urgent After Hour assistance with existing bookings only we have a 24hour contact available
- details are available by phoning the above numbers - Emails are regularly monitored after hours)

Normal Office Hours ... Monday - Friday  9am - 5pm EST (Qld time)

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